Students in the MSc programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management and Engineering have completed their final product-service innovation projects in the course Extreme Product-Service Innovation. The students have been working on different challenges relating…
LARM system – At home monitoring system
Challenge: To help creative innovative solutions for Landstinget Blekinge for patients to get at home healthcare / solutions for mobile teams. Solution: Sensors that collect data from the user and communicate to the user via an…
Landstinget health care at home – Efficiency and…
Challenge: Understanding the core issue and today’s drawbacks in the mobile teams. Solution: By streamlining multiple processes and collecting all activities under one combined platform the concept will understandably increase both efficiency and patient’s desirability. The solution…
WeCare – Från studentprojekt till bolag
WeCare startades som ett studentprojekt på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) med en ide om hur man kan reducera antalet vårdrelaterade infektioner inom sjukvården. Med stöd av bland annat Blue Science Park har idén fått testats…
Industry 4.0, Nakajima Test, Elderly healthcare: Cross-disciplinary projects…
Two months to apply in “real life” what has been learned during the years of university education, starting from a plan to the delivery of a final solution. This was the task the international students…
Wellbeing student projects in BTH course
For their final projects before their master thesis, students from BTH’s masters programmes in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management and Engineering, and Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation (MSPI) are given challenges from real industrial companies to solve. The…
Rullstolsanpassat städsläp – 2017
Ett vanligt problem för personer med funktionsnedsättningar som sitter i rullstol är att komma ut på arbetsmarknaden. Syftet med projektet var att anpassa en skurmaskin så att den går att köras och hanteras av personer…
Designing for Lymphedema patients
In the Design Thinking course, students from the MSPI-program and the Mechanical Engineering MSc program have explored issues relating to diagnosis and treatment of Lymphedema. Based on need analysis, ideation, and a prototyping approach, the students have developed concepts…
Humanitär innovation vid BTH
Institutionen för Maskinteknik vid BTH har en stark forskningsprofil inom teknisk produktutveckling; hållbar produktinnovation, främst med koppling till områden som flyg, rymd, fordon, transport samt tillverkande industri i allmänhet. Sedan ett år tillbaka har profilen…