For their final projects before their master thesis, students from BTH’s masters programmes in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management and Engineering, and Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation (MSPI) are given challenges from real industrial companies to solve. The course is a central part of BTH’s mantra “In Real Life” readying them for their oncoming work life.
For this year two projects specifically choose to go in the Design for Wellbeing direction.
The Check-It team started out with exploring ways of improving patient experience in emergency rooms with the help of vein scanners. Though the needfinding phase they zoomed out to a product-service system view of assisting patients in navigating the long queues that are common in modern healthcare. By being able to check in to the emergency room already from home the patient can, in some less urgent cases, prepare the staff for their arrival and allow for a better planning of their meeting with the doctor. Sometimes one emergency room could be overloaded, while others have better capacity, which could allow patients to find the most suitable place to go to. Of course, for urgent cases patients would still need to come in as soon as possible.

The Pro-Health team were given the challenge to explore the possibilities and needs relating to the opportunity of doing some of their health measurements either from home or from distributed check-up rooms. The students have designed a system that allows users that are well and healthy to proactively manage their wellbeing by use of apps and a process for managing the health-related information and the interactions with health care expertise. The app includes connections with measuring devices whose values are uploaded to their personal journal and an AI doctor can provide suggestions and feedback on appropriate actions to take.

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