Ett vanligt problem för personer med funktionsnedsättningar som sitter i rullstol är att komma ut på arbetsmarknaden. Syftet med projektet var att anpassa en skurmaskin så att den går att köras och hanteras av personer…
Two wellbeing projects in Extreme PSS project course
Students in the MSc programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management and Engineering have completed their final product-service innovation projects in the course Extreme Product-Service Innovation. The students have been working on different challenges relating…
Industry 4.0, Nakajima Test, Elderly healthcare: Cross-disciplinary projects…
Two months to apply in “real life” what has been learned during the years of university education, starting from a plan to the delivery of a final solution. This was the task the international students…
User involvement in pharmaceutical packaging design -A case…
ABSTRACT Different levels of user involvement in product design range from understanding user needs to codesigning with users. Previous research shows older patients face difficulties to handle the medication packaging. Yet the participation of older…