Forskare från BTH ska studera hur människor i Tanzania arbetar med design och utveckling med syftet att öka deras förmåga att designa mer framgångsrika produkter. Projektet stöttas av Vetenskapsrådet och syftar till att stödja mikroföretag i…
Health and Sports Technology Initiative
In order to tackle the enormous public health challenge surrounding lifestyle diseases and an aging population, and at the same time creating the conditions for regional innovation and growth in health and sports technology, a…
SUCCCE – Smart use of communication in complex…
The SUCCCE product is a handsfree, advanced decision support for alert management and consists of both hardware and software. SUCCCE provides medical doctors and other health care staff with direct alerts from medical devices and…
Two wellbeing projects in Extreme PSS project course
Students in the MSc programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management and Engineering have completed their final product-service innovation projects in the course Extreme Product-Service Innovation. The students have been working on different challenges relating…
C-connect – The future of medical monitoring
Challenge: A solution that delays the need of help from the home care in Karlskrona Solution: In the future the population of seniors is expected to grow. This is a problem for the society since the workers…
LARM system – At home monitoring system
Challenge: To help creative innovative solutions for Landstinget Blekinge for patients to get at home healthcare / solutions for mobile teams. Solution: Sensors that collect data from the user and communicate to the user via an…
Landstinget health care at home – Efficiency and…
Challenge: Understanding the core issue and today’s drawbacks in the mobile teams. Solution: By streamlining multiple processes and collecting all activities under one combined platform the concept will understandably increase both efficiency and patient’s desirability. The solution…
WeCare – Från studentprojekt till bolag
WeCare startades som ett studentprojekt på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) med en ide om hur man kan reducera antalet vårdrelaterade infektioner inom sjukvården. Med stöd av bland annat Blue Science Park har idén fått testats…
Most Influential Qualities in Creating Satisfaction Among the…
ABSTRACT Background: Several models suggest how the qualities of a product or service influence user satisfaction. Models such as the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and Delone and McLean Information Systems Success demonstrate…