Using their achieved engineering skills to solve real challenges from real industrial companies is an important and inspiring challenge for the almost ready engineering students and a central part of the “In Real Life” mantra that BTH students practice. This years’ breed of Innovative product development students from three different programs have come together to address challenges from four different partner organizations.
The students working with SICAHT ( were given an open problem of how use of digital technologies could have a transformative impact on the healthcare sector. An important task for the students was to frame the problem and define for themselves what they wanted to change with their solution. The students targeted loneliness among elderly people, who may have been dealt a life changing experience such as losing a near relative, which significantly altered their social networks. Based on extensive user research they came up with the solution of the “Golden Experience”, which is a social network directly aimed at members being at least 65 who needs a nudge into more social activities and interactions.

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